could pin from west berlin help dig this hamel he wanted to smuggle his pregnant wife out of the spolin. this is the original tunnel from 7971 it's the only one preserved in its original state from a time when berlin was divided. at street level stones marked the location of the tunnel running under where the berlin wall. once stood over the whole system when friends acquaintances or relatives from west germany came to visit i never took them to the brandenburg gate instead i take them to banaue. last often they will go to platforms on all major crossings on the western side. they were so tall you could see a long way into east berlin. says he will do everything to keep clearing out his story on the ground signs he recently discovered this well from the 1863 it used to belong to a brewery and still contains water. from news starts berlin is brimming with 20th century history from the weimar republic the nazi period the post-war era the wall and then reunification we've experienced it all religion is great for learning about german history. and not just about them but under the surface t