m> >> stephen: welcome back, everybody, my musical guests tonight first began sporming in 1939, almost as long ago as the rolling stones. please welcome jimmy carter from the blind boys of alabama. (cheers and applause) mr. carter, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, my friend. >> stephen: what a pleasure to you have on. >> thank you, thank you. >> stephen: now for the uninitiated out there. are you one of the original members of the blind boys of alabama. >> that's what they tell me. >> stephen: okay. what year did you guys start singing together? >> well, now let me-- the blind boys met up in school in 1939. but they didn't hit the road until 1944. >> stephen: okay so, but you have been performing together on the road since 1944? >> the blind boys, that's correct. >> stephen: wow. and you met-- (cheers and applause) you met at the alabama institute for the negro blind. and you sing traditional contemporary gospel music and the new album is called. >> i'll find a way. >> stephen: i'll fine a way, exactly. now how old of a man are you? >> well, i don't tell that. >> stephen