he dropped me off at the sportivnaya metro station, where somewhere yes, well, and looking at the facest, apparently, he leaned back 2 months ago and immediately set to work on the old-timer. tomorrow it is necessary to find out whether the district police officer was noted, well, and all his past business of accomplices. addresses. uh-huh well , men go home, it's time to finish this hard working day. oh listen, pashka pivka was taken not enough not enough, i told you, okay, let's run away, you'll run, you'll run, you'll run, i won't go. you will run because it is good for you too run. hi girl. hello. pasha hello , why are you here so i see some problems again. well, why didn’t you call if it was you who changed duty, so that you would sit here until the morning? look how small yes, really sweet such zhenechka well, there are as many as four of them, what will i do with them. i promise you in a few days. i will find a new home for them all. you promise, well, how can i refuse such a charming you? meow-meow 1987, perm, a maniac appeared in the city , just such a version suggested itself