indeed, modernizing the sproe, as well as the authorities for the use is a major area of focus.e gas emission reduction, infrastructure modernization and energy response. this doesn't mean that oil disruption is not a concern. indeed, modernizing the sproe, as well as the authorities for the use is a major area of focus. through its analysis of resilience and modernization, the qer goes beyond the single focus of security policy leaving, for example, recommendations for fuel disruptions as we have seen across the country. more coordinated state planning is also essential and, most notably, we feel that state planning grants to help states update and expand their emergency preparedness and security exercises to enhance reliability, to accommodate several changing factors are all critical. other ways to improve energy security include programs to make our energy infrastructures more resilient to range of hazards and vulnerabilities. these are addressed in part for the qe's recommendation of a predisaster hardening grant program, transformer reserves and systematic program to ensur