sits above theel elevation of no. 1 sprus. i'm not sure if there is something i consider to be extraordinary and unusual here. >> i think this is like the last case. i don't see anything that is exceptional or extraordinary, obviously people don't like to lose their views and views are not protected. i move to accept the proposal. >> second. on that motion to not take dr and prove the project as proposed? commissioner antonini, ayes. that motion pass 6-0 with commissioner sugaya being recused. that will place you on your final calendar items no. 15, a b and c. x c and v. 254th street request for determination of compliance and conditional use and variations. >> good afternoon. the question before you is regards to the project for 250, 4th street which includes the demolition of a building occupied by theological university. the construction of a new 11 story 220 room with a ground floor and restaurant and bar. it would include no parking but 10 bicycle parking spaces. it's located in the south of market neighborhood with the z