. >> it's spspl. we've been throu a a lot thi year. >>ousook amazizg. anklso t glam squ exrt key rtle forng a a autiful jobith theairrrd makeup.. canne s st ofhem over e? ey look great ove there. that's our glammm squququ that lped in the dark. >> les go bacack to rob in vailil thank you#a very ch. >> hey,robin, the kids ve droppedheie boards becau i needll t help ian get. l right, l me soard here te feet l riow am doing? jojoahre we doi allight alalrit. rton u.s. open snowboard chamamamships hapavnini this eeenen i i ot mpetg.breakikk news there.let't'o over the forast f f e rtheast. we've gotindcdcllat are goin to be, well, pretty chilly tomorrow sonce@ the snow moves out w wre cling for temperatur t t t tl very winterlike s just brace yourselfor that but bce urself for a bit of a a warm-up. 50s i cgandewor and 6060s st. lis and the rai and s sws moving io san francisco a a i see you guys d d a lot ofthis. , gosh th is pnful at my age. l righ everett. today: it will be partly to mostly cloudy. . ghs w)ll warm io th60s s d 70s, but a c cd frt is expepe