if the charge is truly affirmative louse or very spurous. simply giving it the credibility of dutying its rebutal than simply dismissing it. >> just to stop you there, we're not stalk talking about somebody on the outside. we're talking about someone made an the inside that is overruled by someone in the management chain or -- we're saying whoever that is the make that determination to overrule to, make that -- >> to document it for the record. we had read your statement recommendation 23 against a contractor officially recommended for the state or department. >> that could be by anyone. so with the qualification. >> officially could be by anyone? >> from another agency for which, yes. so we will take the chairman's notes. we will take these two, which i regard as clarifications. maybe we misunderstood. but you posted positive two clarifications that i did not read when i read this in the intent of what your recommendations were. that we would not have to put oversight on -- we will take those into consideration as the chair correctly asked