for the last year and a half, they have lived where he comes from on the outskirts of srebrenica. a simple wooden cottage, three goats, 12 sheep, a few chickens, and their great love. that's everything they have. he often hearns a bit of money elsewhere as a lumberjack. she takes care of their little farm by herself. their dream of a life together has taken root in a landscape of ruins and rubble. they have almost no neighbors here. his extended family once lived here. when after a long siege the serbs overran srebrenica, these houses were plundered and laid to waste. the couples hope in this dreary and this dreariness is their little son. he was born in srebrenica a year and a half ago, the first child from a mixed marriage in this city since the war. they regard him as a little miracle, but he cannot dispatch the sadness clinging to this place. >> of course it is sad to live here. my relatives used to live in all these places which are abandoned now. the buildings are deteriorating. the women fled during the war, and almost all the men are dead. >> just 15 months old, josef has