difficult fivhleu@ ecivhleu investor confidence.anorec prer erika miller, "nightly b," new u no>>c srehe's europe's financial crisis wirer. econhe's nick colas, chief mark@ >>> hi nice to have jvyohlu euh@ control.net pr2 deal tot jvhleu@noc rec development. @ thenoc rec 2c 2 e jvhleu@noc ndjvhleuin stablize the mhlereue.@noc rec 2 tant step. >> we are aboutjv budgetjvhleu2 that no we arjve hlaeu lonfinishjv o@ >> today in@noc rec 2 markn thes on in askvhleu@ because wekvhleu get@tingnoc o a @orkvhleu 3%@no gdp growthhleu c rewec 2 seennoc rec 2 improvho kvthhleeu say. kvhleu@noc this situation imnopac ctrec 2 decisions andc s boutlvhleu@ a which islvhleu@non comes down tolv rnes and what te eumark@ their 2uyinginlvhleu@noc if we@noc r for holiday the retaillvhleulvhleu@eue@noc rec 2 >> we have to keepnoc rec 2 wat, lvtlhloeuok for@noc rec 2 of@eu. nogoc inreg c in2to the new >> it's a balancin2 with volume. >> stocks are cheapmvhleu@earnip extmvhl eucontin@uednoc rec @noe europe and i hope markets level. and we are cheapmvhleumvhleu@noe >> tricky times fornic@k wenoc n thno wc e rearc emv