president council, it is 120 units of public housing in vernal heights and i am also the ceo of the new, san francisco residents union, where we support section 8, and sros, and senior disabled house and public housing. and i am here to reiterate what doctor jackson has already said, we do need a total investigation of mr. masola and what he is doing is what we believe is illegal and you know, there are federal funds that come into this city and when they come into the city, and if they come into public housing, there is something called section three sxim sure that you are aware of it. where 25 percent of the residents need to be hired with those dollars, and 25 percent of the city workers, if there is any, a drop of federal money, going anywhere, 25 percent of the surroundings areas should be hire and what he is is trying to do is eliminate that. and now, as you know, we are going through rad, which is resident, and it is, stands for, rental assistance, and demonstration projects. and where, holly courts is number one. and we are going through rad. that is privatization of public housing, that is going to be the vernal heights community center and the