and it was actually this guy's dad who convinced me to join this new unit - the sru. wasn't easy - not for any of us. hundreds apply, few make it in. first you take a psych test, multiple choice - what kind of cop are you? what kind of human being? - 1600 questions. and you get through that, then it's fitness tests and drills. we specialize in marksmanship... (gunshots pop) bombs, tech, psychology, negotiations. every day, you push yourself to your limit... go! go! go! go! ed: physically, mentally... so that you can handle the job when the job gets tough. (gunshots pop) because the job does get tough. but you work hard, you do your best. you do what you think is right and you'll find peace in whatever you choose to do. (grunts of effort) aghhh! (exhales) woman: watch the corner. we're almost there. we are getting way too good at this. younger woman: seriously. oh my god. okay. woman: so i'll tell you what i'm thinking. after work, i'll buy a bottle of bubbly, bring it back here, and we'll crack it open and celebrate your show tonight. just the two of us. well, maybe n