((((cllssroom nats- ssephen journalist 6 or 7 yearr.," -3 fox 45 investigative proddcer stephen janis co-authored a book.... 'why do ww kkll' now he's on the speaking classrooms:... nats-"we all share in baat pension for is very different:((anis) - called balt true criie and thhy offered to puulishhmyy book as part of a deal ss thee -3 are publishing it for me actually"for janis: & (janis) "once you make money its a success.... the ook launched other ventures... like speaking engagementss helping him to spread his &pmessage about too much violence.. in urban communnties... from pen to a two fold enttrprise."frrm 3 balt kc foxx44 news at 10 -3 3 some authors also ire agenns & who can hannle the entire publishing process. howeeer an & agent feeecan take as much as 60-percent of the salls. 3 coming up...theeravenn lose three straight. straighh.whyyjje flacco a game all season. 3 ((break 3)) 3 &p3 3 coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... easing the ppin... f newtown, connecticut residents. thht have been broughh in to help with the healing process. g@goow w 3 3 3 3&pdozens of flights.. cancel