sshelby campbell. brook ebrau. longest, brian wong, dpw. then the jpuc< it team. (reading names) project engineering, amamy sinclair . wiolson, rosie janz, contracts and purchasing, benita magee, veronica ing, mindy yi, prject accoiunting (reading names) furniture and everything else. ellen wong. relocation. gary, susan, kurk. (didn't get all the names). you've done so much to make it happen, thank you so much. [applause]. >> i just want to tell' short story that has to do with the general manager, 525 golden gate. 15 years ago,illie brown, asked that i spearheaded new effort that was to establish a commission and department on the environment. there was so green building legislation proposed at the time. one. approached was to identify 10 pilot projects. model projects. mayor brown brought me in and just made a deal with the state, bougts the building for $1. 525 bold bold, i think we should try to build one. greenest buildings in the city. i want to go to the city departments and talk about green and sustainability. don't take no for an answer, tell them this co