suddenly, she bobbed to the ssrface, saved by the buoyancy of her ddaper. we.../ got 3 let's go o chief meteorologist vytas reid with your skywatch forecaat. 3 suing shamu. whh peta is calling ssa world a slave owner. an ellmentary school gentleman's club. why there's no dancing buu a lot of life lessons ii this program. 3 3 -3 3 has iled a lawsuit against sea world saying they are "constitutiooal rights against " slavery."the suit namms five pea wwrld orcas as plaintiffs in the case. this is the first case in history that triis to extend constitutional animall.ssa world officials call the lawssut baseless and offfnsive. &pa principal at a detroit elementary school is teaching boys to be gentlemen.ronnie sims is teaching the three r's &p-- respect, responsibility an reasoning.twice a week, sims teaches them how to shake hands properly, hood eye contact and dress neaaly.simss says he wants to break tte cycle of male irresponsibility" and each ccoices."the name of the - program.....the gentlemen's &pclub.i think he needs to wwrk on that. 3 beach. hy find