in d - ssuthwest baltimore, in aa area which has a eputation for prostitution... residents react to the aarest. (brenda spell)"god dont pppreciate that.. but stiil &psatan has this world and its theres nothing we can do but watchhouttfor ourrchildren.our grandchildren if we can" can" longwood could face 10 years in federal prison if convicted. 3&testimony continuesstoday in the trial of two brothers.. charged with burning a pit bul.. on thurssay.. jurorr heard opening stttements in the case. bbt that jury pool wasn't easy to fiid.the majorityyof potential jurors admitted they haa prior knowledge of the case... whichhfirst ended in a opening statements... both sides revealed hhw they planned to map out their case.the prosecution ssys travers and tremayne johnson were recorded on surveilllnce viieo running frommthe scene.butt he defense says ii wasn't them.phoenix wws set oo fire in may 2009 and eventually had to be euthanized becaase of her injuries. 3&the brother of the an who shot and kiiled trayvon martin speakk out aboot the case. case.this surveill