his name is stéphan crétier.s the president of garda, which he has built into one of the top ten security companies in the world, and as an added bonus--an added treat--for all you fans of international fun and games, you may recall if you saw the first interview that he has strong opinions about where osama bin laden is at, and he knows whereof he speaks, since he does a huge amount of business protecting ceos and heads of state of the middle east. so here, then, is stéphan crétier with a lot to say about the recession, and, more importantly, the recovery and the way to the stéphan crétier, you were one of the first guests on entrepreneurs, on the dobson series. we sat, actually, in this very studio in '07, and you had one of the great entrepreneurial stories of your day. the share went a hundred- fold up in value over a decade. you started as an umpire in the southern us-- - a thousand-fold. - a thousand-fold! incredible. really? i forgot a zero. and you started as an umpire in professional baseball down in the