. # with the honours returned to the table, there follows a prayer for the king attributed to st columbalord jesus christ, who from everlasting rules over all earthly governors; we beseech you to strengthen our gracious sovereign, king charles, for the duties of the high estate to which you have called him. exalt him that he may hold the sceptre of salvation; enrich him with such gifts of your mercy as shall bring him holiness; and grant to him by your inspiration even so to rule his people in meekness and humility, as you did cause solomon to obtain a kingdom of peace. may he be ever subject to you in fear, and fight for you in quietness; may he be protected by your shield, and remain ever victorious without warfare. and grant that the nations may keep faith with him, and that his counsellors in all his dominions may have peace and love charity. establish his government in strength and righteousness; and in your mercy bestow upon him a kingdom without end, that he may rejoice to glorify you, who lives and reigns with the eternal father, together with the holy spirit, one god, for ever a