citizens, not st oreign taets. joining me now, justice correspondent pete williams.e're just getting this in from the hill. what doe kn so far? what this is, andrea, is the unclsified version of a report prared not by cogress, but b inspectorseneral of the inigence agencies and the justice dertment and defense department about the president's so-callederror surveillce program, the warrantless eavesdropping program begun in the days of 9/11 that was intend, the president said, to allow the intelligence organizations to listen in on suspected terrorists overse, even i they were talkg to americans in the u.s. we've just been able to glance a little of t. a cole points jump out to me, andrea. first of all, tre seems to be some confusion a the justice department over precisely who was in charge igning off on the legality of the program. and some peop that were involved init that didn't realize others were doing it. the other thing is, the only thing that saw, uickly, was that the report says that members of congress were befed in 17 sarate sons befe thprogram became ublic