st. paul's chapel on broadway. i don't know how you do that without multiple tripping hazards. with headstones, the church has been there quite a long time. there were plenty of headstones already in the 1770's. but that is where they trained. i you haven't been there, encourage you go. it is the site of the first memorial to a fallen general, brigadier general richard montgomery, in u.s. history. he was killed ahead of his time in the attack on quebec city, and ben franklin felt so guilty about that he wanted to have this elaborate memorial put up for him there. you can see that in front of the church. was this the first meeting of george washington and alexander hamilton? i am talking about the story that they met at bunker hill, bayard's hill in lower manhattan , april of 1776. we don't know. maybe they met there, maybe they didn't. it is more likely that they met later in 1776 during washington's organized retreat through the state of new jersey. this is possible. there have been a couple of illustrations of that. bayard's hill, i will point it out on a map momentarily, is the highest point at that point in lower manhattan. unfortunately, manhattan's contours have changed over time. we l