st. augustine. there is something more that they're searching for and we all are, every person. in particular these seminaries come from the professions, come from the cost and benefit and their way of looking at the world. they want to give of themselves. that's that surrender of being free and being directedly god and being available in such a way that they can touch others so they might have happy good lives. that's the fundamental seed i think that starts in the men i would say between 25 and 30 years old that come. they come with some talent, some profession even. what is it that you teach them? what do they have to learn? >> some come without philosophy so they'll start with philosophical training to prepare for the theological training. we teach them about church history, theology in terms of the sacraments, theology and anthropology in terms of the human person. we teach them how to preach, pastoral counseling, all the elements of what the priesthood entail are part of our education, especially in those last four years. at st. patrick's we have one year where they actual