st. barbara - amazing monument. architecture has been preserved since the end of the 16th century, despitestill opens its doors to parishioners and pleases us with its appearance. and these kastsel are just a few hours away from the two catalan churches near vitsebsk, which were not forgotten, forgotten, then, of course, nothing was found here, they are vykaryvaysya as a warehouse of piecemeal stolen goods , and three times of pleasure, and an hour and a hell of a time tynk advalvaezza, jago trebá nanová restaўravats. 80th kascel. there are eight shrines of st. barbara, as if they were given to the cardinals of the sventaks and the spinska kastsela was transferred. eight gety kryzh. yon would have been transferred from magilev, not even there , i don’t know the report, the potassium was crushed, well, damn 100 there are, for now, all these statues of sir jesus, and the whole statue of mary, i know that this is the end 19 stagodzia, yans brought from krakawa, holy barbara - geta... we will teach people to love their health, when they understand that arterial hypertension and lipid levels ar