st. louis caldera point so is the growth in the air oh yeah that is something you don't see every day as it is wet. but this way you don't really need any soil the benefits about this is. 10 times more potatoes that traditional way so this is this is for real for you guys this is not just a kind of a marketing stunt we don't have to be millionaires we just need to you know roll things forward make people think we're talking about you know for security certification climate change. stuff. i want board and i think. later on henry's invitation 'd. first to travel just want to down the road to see if these principles of circular economics can work on a much larger industrial scale. away but let's take this course. exactly yeah or do you need a license for the brakes. here. actor turned from a robert jordan also has a vertical farm but this one is another level. who leaves a jacket it's a different season in say disney. like a herb safari would we go means by still again some coriander i need to speak to you to have kind of a glass that's just what it is so this is entirely electric yes there