st. petersberg at one time. the emergency center was activated virtually the whole three month period of time, and you deal with those issues, lots of them, and we talk about the crisis you go through in the book as well, and so that's the second part of the job. the third part of the job is advancing your vision for the city. now, it's interesting because that's why you run. you run because you want to do something and you have a plan, a thought, and you want to make the city better, and yet quite often a mayor gets bogged down in doing the issues, the budget issues are hard or dealing with the crisis as they come. you can get so bogged down you never get to the point of advancing your vision or get stopped in the middle. you have to be focused and your organization has to be focused to continue that forward momentum in advancing your vision while dealing with the crisis and business going forward. in our case, we had a five-point plan, the strategic plan for the city to advance division, and i think every one