st. teresa. she once said, prayer is simply a heart-to-heart conversation with god, who we know loves us. heart to heart conversation to pray for the priests and their sanctification. for pray for the future priests, to pray for those who are searching for meaning, truth and value, and love within their lives. through that prayer the grace of god may be communicated to them in a way that really touches them and changes them so they can become a priest like, even though he is a fictional character, the wonderful priest portrayed in the keys of the kingdom, patterning his life after the lord, offering loving service to others. >> are their hero or model or mentor priests you can recall in your life? >> one of the priests recently that has been a great model is st. isaac, one of the north american martyrs. he grew up in france and came to the new world to bring the faith to the people in this land and the amount he sacrificed for the gospel and the amount of love he had for his people, that is deepl