Sep 28, 2012
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'nfronte a te ♪ ♪ 'o sole 'o sole mio sta 'nfronte a te sta 'nfronte a te ♪ na tempesta ♪ ♪ pe' ll'aria fresca pare giÀ na festa che bella cosa e' na giornata 'e sole ♪ ♪ ma n'atu sole cchiÙ bello oje ne' 'o sole mio sta 'nfronte a te ♪ ♪ 'o sole 'o sole mio sta 'nfronte a te sta 'nfronte a te ♪
'nfronte a te ♪ ♪ 'o sole 'o sole mio sta 'nfronte a te sta 'nfronte a te ♪ na tempesta ♪ ♪ pe' ll'aria fresca pare giÀ na festa che bella cosa e' na giornata 'e sole ♪ ♪ ma n'atu sole cchiÙ bello oje ne' 'o sole mio sta 'nfronte a te ♪ ♪ 'o sole 'o sole mio sta 'nfronte a te sta 'nfronte a te ♪
Sep 7, 2012
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jose cardoza/portavoz, alguacil cdo. de sta.s una manera de tratar de evitar nuevos cremenes que son asociados con pandillas. tres diferentes equipos llegaron a 15 distintas viviendas en el este de san jose para arrestar a pandilleros en violacion de los terminos de su libertad condicional, y serciorarse de que otros no los hayan violado. s.o.t. jose cardoza/portavoz, alguacil cdo. de sta. clara 14:56:19 puede ser por delitos agresivos, puede ser por otros tipos de delitos, pero lo que tienen en comun es que todas las personas que contactaron hoy, son miembros de pandillas o son asociados con otros miembros de pandillas. s.o.t. 17:49:04 no estan asociados con carteles o o pandillas mas grandes asi, son pandilleros, o personas asociadas con pandillas, pero aqui local en el area. este operativo se da a poco tiempo de una racha de violencia que dejo 8 muertos en san jose.. pero autoridades dicen que no esta relacionado, y que lo realizan una vez al mes, y se enfocan en zonas calientes. < s.o.t. rolando andrade/vecino 18:56:09 ha ha
jose cardoza/portavoz, alguacil cdo. de sta.s una manera de tratar de evitar nuevos cremenes que son asociados con pandillas. tres diferentes equipos llegaron a 15 distintas viviendas en el este de san jose para arrestar a pandilleros en violacion de los terminos de su libertad condicional, y serciorarse de que otros no los hayan violado. s.o.t. jose cardoza/portavoz, alguacil cdo. de sta. clara 14:56:19 puede ser por delitos agresivos, puede ser por otros tipos de delitos, pero lo que tienen...
Sep 10, 2012
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>>e sta tarde los cielos estuvieorn despejados, a excepcion de santa rosa, el pronóstico local para mañana en procesos penales acusados de genocidio, delitos contra la >> militares retirados involucrados en genocidio, así como otros delitos y otros ilicitos en guatemala, durante la marcha los familiares de los uniformados pidieron procesos justo para los militaroes, josé y otros miembros que formaron parte de la cupula, por otra parte nicaragua tenía la advertencia ante el peligro de nuevas explosiones por el volcán san cristóbal, que comenzó con erupciones, autoridades ordenaron la evacuación de unos 3 mil pobladores de 16 comunidades. >> mire usted, existe controversia acerca del analisis para detectar el cáncer de próstata, vea con atención . >> tenía cáncer de protstata muy avanzado, al principio salió normal, pero a pesar de su gravedad después de una operación fue sometido a unos tratamientos de radiacion, teniendo buenos resultados . >> me dijo que necesitaba radiaciones, me mandó para acá, me tomó como un año para tomarlas, acá me las hicieron . >> en su última visita el doctor le
>>e sta tarde los cielos estuvieorn despejados, a excepcion de santa rosa, el pronóstico local para mañana en procesos penales acusados de genocidio, delitos contra la >> militares retirados involucrados en genocidio, así como otros delitos y otros ilicitos en guatemala, durante la marcha los familiares de los uniformados pidieron procesos justo para los militaroes, josé y otros miembros que formaron parte de la cupula, por otra parte nicaragua tenía la advertencia ante el...
Sep 19, 2012
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. >>> una organizaciÓn ha aclarad uno de los dichos del mitt romney y dice que el 46% de los sta estadounidensescasetas de cobro, van a desaparecer de este puente, pero no quiere decir que no van a pagar, el tema es que van a tener que pagar electrÓnicamente o cobrar pases para pasar, le va a ahorrar 19 millones en 12 aÑos, 20 trabajadores se van a quedar sin empleo. >>> les tienen preparado una fiesta espectÁcular y esto va a comenzar el prÓximo mes y va a estar listo para marzo, la idea es que brille mucho ♪ ♪ el comitÉ de fui mainanzas ha ho de un tema paren entrar en rigor en enero y paula nos dice que piensan hacer los estudiantes al respecto. >>> tenemos la informaciÓn al respecto de esta noticia a continuaciÓn. >>> esta chica gasta mucho dinero en pagar esta universidad y ahora se estÁ pensando que cobrar mÁs caro para las cuentas. >>> en medio de una considergra controversia se hablÓ la posibilidad de aumentar un a 5% y estÁn buscando tener fondos para el sistema sko lugko sistÚ. >>> los estudiantes indocumentados no pueden ir a la escuela. >>> es importante votar porque si no pasa vamos
. >>> una organizaciÓn ha aclarad uno de los dichos del mitt romney y dice que el 46% de los sta estadounidensescasetas de cobro, van a desaparecer de este puente, pero no quiere decir que no van a pagar, el tema es que van a tener que pagar electrÓnicamente o cobrar pases para pasar, le va a ahorrar 19 millones en 12 aÑos, 20 trabajadores se van a quedar sin empleo. >>> les tienen preparado una fiesta espectÁcular y esto va a comenzar el prÓximo mes y va a estar listo...
Sep 16, 2012
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. >> a q quí e sta mi señorita para i r por el automóvil . >> si m i s eñor don francisco, vamos a ver la gente? . >> si quiere participar delas graba b i ciones de sábado gigante ingre s e a nuestra página y busque la sección . >> o por twitter, si e st a tá en estados unidos, llame al número que aparece en pantalla ayudeme a p r e presentar han uestro próximo invitado, ¿qué sabes de e e él? . >> se que es jovencito, tiene 14 años y es el personaje infa nt i l de la serie dora la exploradora . >> en una sa m an emana más se cumple un año de su tema q ue lo lanza a la fama mundial, lo vamos a revci b i cibir con un aplauso que se merece , va mos a recibir a max hunter . >> e rit mo de vida de la muejr jer requiere que esté encima de sus ac ts iv idades, tanto en la casa como el tr a b ajo, no quieren que las alergias las afecten . >> claritin , a yuda con la alergia . >> claramente clar i ti n >> aquí está max hunter, dos m millones y medio de v isitas en youtube, ¿cómo te va?. >> un placre er, d don f co francisco . >> estoy emocionado . >> medijeron que mejo r as t e el español, porq
. >> a q quí e sta mi señorita para i r por el automóvil . >> si m i s eñor don francisco, vamos a ver la gente? . >> si quiere participar delas graba b i ciones de sábado gigante ingre s e a nuestra página y busque la sección . >> o por twitter, si e st a tá en estados unidos, llame al número que aparece en pantalla ayudeme a p r e presentar han uestro próximo invitado, ¿qué sabes de e e él? . >> se que es jovencito, tiene 14 años y es el personaje...
Sep 29, 2012
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monitoreados por lo menos a 5 aÑos por una investigaciÓn que deskrim a estudiantes afroamericanos y sta>> un hombre enfrenta acusaciones que estafÓ a mÁs de mil propietarios a un fraude y arrestaronan hombre de 44 aÑos tras operar una empresa que ofrecÍa a doufrueÑos que casasÁ bara baratas y quidicen que el sospechoso recuadÓ mÁs de 3 millones de dÓlares de vik tict. >> aprueban un proyecto de lopa los que tienen autos cooing jeÓ. >> estÁn en riesgo de perder todos sus datos, que operan google, ya volvemos. >> (♪) >> >> ---Ás de dos tercios de los votantes de cif (♪) >> mÁs de dos tercios de los vat an voto aan votantes de california quieren darle la ciudadanÍa y muchos no quieren que tengan los mismos derechos. >> en berkeley un 77% de losreg anunciÓ a favor y un 13 ho%. >> el 57 se opone a licencias de conducir. >> la aprobaciÓn de una iniciativa de ley que da licencias a los d"dreamers" esÁ en las manos de jerry bronw. >> y no ha dado indicios sobre la medida. >> la propuesta de dar licencias es jÓvenes indocumentados estÁ en la mesa del gobernador. >> vemos a personas entre nadas c
monitoreados por lo menos a 5 aÑos por una investigaciÓn que deskrim a estudiantes afroamericanos y sta>> un hombre enfrenta acusaciones que estafÓ a mÁs de mil propietarios a un fraude y arrestaronan hombre de 44 aÑos tras operar una empresa que ofrecÍa a doufrueÑos que casasÁ bara baratas y quidicen que el sospechoso recuadÓ mÁs de 3 millones de dÓlares de vik tict. >> aprueban un proyecto de lopa los que tienen autos cooing jeÓ. >> estÁn en riesgo de perder...
Sep 14, 2012
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---segun la misiva firmada por pelosi, sta ley ayudaria a restablecer la confianza del publico en lastuciones policiacas, lo cual, agrega, es clave en la seguridad de la poblacion. ----el proyecto creado por el asambleista de san francisco tom ammiano, evitaria que los departamento s de policia del estado reporten a inmigracion, indocumentados que no han cometidos delitos graves. blanca --los productores de lactos en california, protestaron hoy en el capitolio, por los precios de la leche. take vo --y es que dicen que estan enfrentando una crisis financiera, en parte, por los altos costos del alimento para las vacas, consecuencia de la sequia. --de mil 600 lecherias en el estado, cientos de ellas se han declarado en bancarrota y muchos productores estan contemplando en venderlas. cesar ---se registra otro ataque contra una sede diplomatica de estados unidos en el norte de africa. take map ---la embajada estadounidens e en san, capital de ymen, fue blanco de una agresion de una turba de manifestantes... take vo ...que protestaban por una pelicula anti- musulman que ha sido divulgada po
---segun la misiva firmada por pelosi, sta ley ayudaria a restablecer la confianza del publico en lastuciones policiacas, lo cual, agrega, es clave en la seguridad de la poblacion. ----el proyecto creado por el asambleista de san francisco tom ammiano, evitaria que los departamento s de policia del estado reporten a inmigracion, indocumentados que no han cometidos delitos graves. blanca --los productores de lactos en california, protestaron hoy en el capitolio, por los precios de la leche. take...
Sep 17, 2012
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>e>> stas son las noticias que están en la mira. >>> el príncipe guillermo y su novia demandaron porta un vestido con fragmentos de una ley peruana que señala que las personas tienen derecho de elegir el tipo de anticoncpetivo que quieran. >>> el vocalista del grupo pesado dice que entrará en al política, tenemos la infg. >>> la decisión está tomada, beto zapata, el vocalista del grupo pesado se lanzará a la política. >>> que la gente sepa que nos vamos a lanzar para darle un beneficio. >>>e n la mira tiene una alcaldía de nuevo león. >>> creo que aún no es el momento, pero vamos a esperar para ganar puntos con la gente, qué quiero decir, hacer lo que tenemos que hacer todos los días, ayudar a la ngt. >>> el deseo fue ante la ola de violencia de la ciudad donde nació. >>> afuera de la casa de ustedes, llegó un tipo con un arma, simplemente le dije que se llevara la camioneta. >>> quién no recuerda los momentos que vivió el baterista del grupo, que le robaron un vehículo con su hijo dentro. >>> si te queda un poco marcado ,porque iba mi hijo dentro, pero tratas de tomar un poco más de
>e>> stas son las noticias que están en la mira. >>> el príncipe guillermo y su novia demandaron porta un vestido con fragmentos de una ley peruana que señala que las personas tienen derecho de elegir el tipo de anticoncpetivo que quieran. >>> el vocalista del grupo pesado dice que entrará en al política, tenemos la infg. >>> la decisión está tomada, beto zapata, el vocalista del grupo pesado se lanzará a la política. >>> que la gente sepa...
Sep 19, 2012
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soposopopo opositores a le ly a ley le pidieron a laj jzaueza bolstoton que se elimina eliminara ea stalimitatr la cr la cilausula, alslas otras s secciones de la ley entraron en i vigor en junio del 20120. >p>>por su prtarte la gobernador a jueaean breewer ha dicho que es un d diÍa muy importante para ariz arizona, iy dijo que la ley se aplicara de emanera eficiente ye efvectivo a, cnon esto se les da el la luz verde para pedir los papeles ante la sospecha de indocds s indocumentados. >>> en carli del olo deina del norte, dp despuÉs de sdosdos aÑos de inv investigaciÓn, se ha puesto al d descubierot que un el alguacil y su sus angangs agnentes arrestaban a la ps pss personas , y violo a los derdderechos civiles de estadosu y yusdounidenses y res ressidentes, la cosurte suprema de pensilvania dejo en manios de un tribunal menor que si serÁ factible pedir una id identificaciÓn con foto, la me medida ufe fue apr9oaprobadoa para evita r rl r medida ufe fue apr9oaprobadoa para evita r rl r el fraude elelctoral , en chicago unos 800 dgelegados del sindicato de mtaestros votaron a favor de s
soposopopo opositores a le ly a ley le pidieron a laj jzaueza bolstoton que se elimina eliminara ea stalimitatr la cr la cilausula, alslas otras s secciones de la ley entraron en i vigor en junio del 20120. >p>>por su prtarte la gobernador a jueaean breewer ha dicho que es un d diÍa muy importante para ariz arizona, iy dijo que la ley se aplicara de emanera eficiente ye efvectivo a, cnon esto se les da el la luz verde para pedir los papeles ante la sospecha de indocds s...
Sep 20, 2012
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>>>e sta mañana fue un motín en represa. >>> hubo apuñalamientos y lesionados, tenemos la informaciónde las 4 de la tarde se desató un motín en esta prisión, donde 11 prisioneros resultaron heridos, uno de ellos con heridas de bala, de un agente de al prisión, otros fueron heridos por objetos cortopunzantes, las autoridades no saben qué causó la disputa entre los reos, en los próximos días se podría dar la información de la situación, los prisioneros están en al menos 3 hospitales, uc davies, suttern y también uno de aquí, en los próximos días tenemos más datos que daremos a todos ustedes, regresamos a los estudios >>> muchas gracias, santiago, la ciudad de san josé exhorta a los residentes de no enviar mensaje de texto mientras se maneja, la campaña it cant wait o puede esperar pide a los residentes que se comprometan de no enviar nunca un mensaje de texto mientras manejen, también se colocó un simulador virtual en un auto para representar el peligro de hacer esto. >>> tambiÉn se ha dicho que no hay pruebas que eric holder tuviera pruebas del operativo rápido y furioso, el operativo
>>>e sta mañana fue un motín en represa. >>> hubo apuñalamientos y lesionados, tenemos la informaciónde las 4 de la tarde se desató un motín en esta prisión, donde 11 prisioneros resultaron heridos, uno de ellos con heridas de bala, de un agente de al prisión, otros fueron heridos por objetos cortopunzantes, las autoridades no saben qué causó la disputa entre los reos, en los próximos días se podría dar la información de la situación, los prisioneros están en...
Sep 6, 2012
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de santa cruz estan buscando a un hombre que se report...sujeto a una adolecente de 16 aÑos cuando staraba en una parada de autobus y la jalo del cabello. take map ---el hecho ocurri cerca del centro de boulder creek y segn la victima, el hombre se subio a una camioneta "toyota" color blanco despues de escuchar sus gritos --las autoridades lo describen como alto, delgado con alrededor de 30 aÑos, cabello castaÑo claro o rubio y barba de candado. --la camioneta es del aÑo 93 o 94. cesar ---los familiares de una mujer que sufre de retraso mental y que esta embarazada, take vo ---la buscan desesperadam ente en el vecindario tenderloin de san francisco, que es donde fue vista por ultima vez.. . ---margie cabrera, de 31 anos pero que tiene la capacidad mental de una nina de 12, fue dada de alta de un hospital de martinez ayer martes... ---margie esta en el noveno mes de embarazo y esta programada a dar a luz el proximo 15 de septiembre.. stop open blanca ---la advertencia por el "hantavirus" se ha expandido a 39 paises. take vo ---funcionarios del departamento de salud estadounidense han en
de santa cruz estan buscando a un hombre que se report...sujeto a una adolecente de 16 aÑos cuando staraba en una parada de autobus y la jalo del cabello. take map ---el hecho ocurri cerca del centro de boulder creek y segn la victima, el hombre se subio a una camioneta "toyota" color blanco despues de escuchar sus gritos --las autoridades lo describen como alto, delgado con alrededor de 30 aÑos, cabello castaÑo claro o rubio y barba de candado. --la camioneta es del aÑo 93 o 94....
Sep 8, 2012
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>>>e sta joven vive en frente de donde fue acribillada una pareja. >>> después se movió a la casa donden una casa, al arribar al lugar encontraon a un hombre y una mujer baleados y sin vida ,y solamente se dieron detalles generales de las víctimas. >>> la mujer tenía 23 años de edad el hombre 31 años, el teniente dice que la mujer tenía 3 meses de embarazo. >>> la policía habla de presuntamente dos hombres afroamericanos que fueron vistos huyendo después de realizar los disparos. >>> ahora las autoridades necesitan la ayuda de la comunidad para dar con los responsables, cualquier información será maneajda de manera totalmente confidencial, es mi reporte, regresamos a los estudios. >>> gracias, ramón, es momento de retomar la historia con la que comenzamos el noticiero hoy, es el hallazgo del cadáver de una mujer en san benito. >>>e s la imagen de la investigación del momento. >>> este lugar está a menos de 30 minutos de donde desapareció sierra lamar hace 6 meses. >>> más adelante el sargento josé carmona confirmará la información >>> en argentina, encontraron a una niña muerta en la mo
>>>e sta joven vive en frente de donde fue acribillada una pareja. >>> después se movió a la casa donden una casa, al arribar al lugar encontraon a un hombre y una mujer baleados y sin vida ,y solamente se dieron detalles generales de las víctimas. >>> la mujer tenía 23 años de edad el hombre 31 años, el teniente dice que la mujer tenía 3 meses de embarazo. >>> la policía habla de presuntamente dos hombres afroamericanos que fueron vistos huyendo...
Sep 27, 2012
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voting is under way, even though election day is 40 days from now. >> talkbo sta states. we have maps built in to give people a glimpse of nationde how many states are in the process of early voting. we have the map. some of them at the end of the week, but mark, is there anything to compare this to at least fromheasen well, in the last general election we also saw a lot of early voting in a lot of states. some states scaled back a little bit on the early voting, but i think it's here to stay going forward. what's interesting isheba campaign saw early voting as a way to maximize their folks and bank the votes on their side. for example, when president obama is in ohio yesterday, he told everyone be sure to vote as early as october 2nd when you can start voting early in ohio. they want their folkso ady stcag nce lots in early october. >> the question wasn't about early votes here to stay. voting next weeks, ohio, orida, nebraska, new york, connecticut, se of the states. the strategy of having this comfortae, closing aen i t recall this from either candidate at this point?
voting is under way, even though election day is 40 days from now. >> talkbo sta states. we have maps built in to give people a glimpse of nationde how many states are in the process of early voting. we have the map. some of them at the end of the week, but mark, is there anything to compare this to at least fromheasen well, in the last general election we also saw a lot of early voting in a lot of states. some states scaled back a little bit on the early voting, but i think it's here to...
Sep 27, 2012
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sta insured.on >> he's the worst republican in the country to put up against barack obama. >> i don't think there's anything that shows more empathy and care about the people of this country than that kind of rhetoric. >> i will repeal obama care and replace it with real health ca rm 10f ki in our state have health insurance. my state was a leading indicator of what liberals have been trying to do across t country. >> 100% of the kids in our state have health insurance. i was a severely conservative republican governor. i don't thk there's ything that shows morempnd c abtheof this country. i'm not familiar with precisely with what exactly i said but i stand by what i said whatever it was. ♪ >>> and it is on. yes, in person voting is under way in the first battleground state of iowa where lines were snaking out the door in many polling places today with voters eager to make their choice shcc t w house for the next four years. indeed, voters in 30 states are now casting ballots either by absentee or in person, including the battlegrounds of new hampshire, north carolina, wisconsin, and
sta insured.on >> he's the worst republican in the country to put up against barack obama. >> i don't think there's anything that shows more empathy and care about the people of this country than that kind of rhetoric. >> i will repeal obama care and replace it with real health ca rm 10f ki in our state have health insurance. my state was a leading indicator of what liberals have been trying to do across t country. >> 100% of the kids in our state have health insurance....
Sep 10, 2012
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hace 2 aÑos que llenÓ un (en inglÉs) un camioneta un suv con tanques de propano y tratÓ de volarlo en stata a y pico soldados. >> pueden causar muerte a pequeÑa escala, al suicidarse en locaciones como centros econÓmicos, objetivos militares, medios de comunicaciÓn o fuertes personalidades. >> estÁn siendo reclutado en su todo el mundo para atacar principalmente a estados unidos, israel, francia y gran bretaÑa. >> en aeropuertos por ejemplo los viajeros aseguran sentirse a salvo pero admiten el miedo. >> no se siente uno seguro, solamente confiar en dios. >> sÍ me siento seguro porque el gobierno ha tomado todas las medidas de seguridad. >> estos lobos solitarios son altamente im previsibles saber cÓmo, cuÁndo van a actuar es casi imposible, por esta razÓn hacen un llamado a la poblaciÓn en general para que estÉn atento a cualquier actividad o comportamiento sospechoso para que lo reporten a la policÍa. >> galo arellano, univisiÓn. >> unos 30 mil maestros de las escuelas pÚblicas de chicago a un amenazado con celebrar una huelga maÑana si no se consigue un acuerdo con el alcalde de la ciu
hace 2 aÑos que llenÓ un (en inglÉs) un camioneta un suv con tanques de propano y tratÓ de volarlo en stata a y pico soldados. >> pueden causar muerte a pequeÑa escala, al suicidarse en locaciones como centros econÓmicos, objetivos militares, medios de comunicaciÓn o fuertes personalidades. >> estÁn siendo reclutado en su todo el mundo para atacar principalmente a estados unidos, israel, francia y gran bretaÑa. >> en aeropuertos por ejemplo los viajeros aseguran...
Sep 13, 2012
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ccsting he sta a combined p-point-seven million dollarss but transportationficials ma up only one percentally all toll users. 3 althouuh one percent is small number we're nnt satisfied with even one percent and we will pursue thospeople with every tool tt's available to us they're hitting them with astronomical tollnd yet they're not collecting them from the people who don't obey tte law. that's just notright transportation officials say legislation next year to make it easier to go after violators. 3 provinto be ... a... -3 cash cow... for... the ty baltimore.... jeff aaell... shows us,.../ the... mayor's... defending... this... mul-million doolar... ndfall.... windfall.... along 83 roadways i this city...... speeders are feeling the sti of a camera..... and a drain on their walt. (24:)) "in two years, about 500-dollars....." (25:38) i'd say over two hundred......" the city sists those forty dollar tickets serve far greater purpose. 1:45:35) (mayor) "we put the speedamera there, not aa a revenue generator, but as a safety precautioann they're needed thoughout the city." but for many moor
ccsting he sta a combined p-point-seven million dollarss but transportationficials ma up only one percentally all toll users. 3 althouuh one percent is small number we're nnt satisfied with even one percent and we will pursue thospeople with every tool tt's available to us they're hitting them with astronomical tollnd yet they're not collecting them from the people who don't obey tte law. that's just notright transportation officials say legislation next year to make it easier to go after...
Sep 12, 2012
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---reed, dijo a nuestra estacion hermana "nbc bay area" que es un conductor precavido y que sta es la infraccion que recibe en decadas. cesar una conocida tienda latina cerrar todas sus tiendas en california.. blanca ---en contraste, un nuevo centro comercial en livermore, planea contratar a ms de 2 mil empleados antes de noviembre. ---jaime peluffo nos tiene los detalles.. take pkg 0:01 0:09 0:12 0:20 0:42 0:47 1:04 1:21 1:25 1:41 take pkg la cola daba la vuelta al edificio del centro comunitario de livermore donde cientos de personas fueron con curriculum en mano, con la esperanza de obtener un trabajo. s.o.t. < rosalba valencia/desemplead a 7:32:20 un poco dificil para encontrar trabajo, pero estoy buscando trabajo durante el dia y está un poco difícil. > s.o.t. edei ballon/busca trabajo 2:48:00 he metido aplicaciones por donde sea, ahorita no importa cual trabajo agarras, no mas que tengas un trabajo para sobrevivir. < s.o.t. blanca molina/desempleada 1:57:22 ahorita tengo trabajo, pero quiero un segundo trabajo para que me ayude con mi escuela. pero mientras unas puertas lemundo
---reed, dijo a nuestra estacion hermana "nbc bay area" que es un conductor precavido y que sta es la infraccion que recibe en decadas. cesar una conocida tienda latina cerrar todas sus tiendas en california.. blanca ---en contraste, un nuevo centro comercial en livermore, planea contratar a ms de 2 mil empleados antes de noviembre. ---jaime peluffo nos tiene los detalles.. take pkg 0:01 0:09 0:12 0:20 0:42 0:47 1:04 1:21 1:25 1:41 take pkg la cola daba la vuelta al edificio del...
Sep 25, 2012
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jersbys my home sta ofew ceainlnot e fst time they've tried to shun snooki and her crew.pin-off show was rejected bere it settled in manchester. governor chris christie has been quick to distinguish all then ti new jersey folk from those ito remind all of you of something. they're not from new jersey. they're from new york. snooki is from poughkeepsie, the situation from long island. they parachuted these losers to new jersey. [ plau ] and they want to make all of you believe that they're from new jersey. they're not and i told cuomo a number o times, take them back. >> so far manchester mayor michael isosoki and j-woww have not caused any problems in the town. good news there. we'll keep you posted on assemblymen's banter. >>> a video posted on youtube vows it can get ugly nen begin to argue over who flagged first and that's when this happened. it posted onhe website of "the new york daily news." first, pushing, i think we're okay. here comes the flying arm bar. nice move to g him down, try get in the ca the e t he finally gives up, throws him the cab and pats him on the
jersbys my home sta ofew ceainlnot e fst time they've tried to shun snooki and her crew.pin-off show was rejected bere it settled in manchester. governor chris christie has been quick to distinguish all then ti new jersey folk from those ito remind all of you of something. they're not from new jersey. they're from new york. snooki is from poughkeepsie, the situation from long island. they parachuted these losers to new jersey. [ plau ] and they want to make all of you believe that they're from...
Sep 27, 2012
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don't forget, i got everybodyn sta insured. 100% of the kids in our state have health insurance. i don't think there's anything that shows more i'm pat think and care about the people of this country than that kind of record. >> as chuck todd point i'd out this morning the question really wa't specifically about health cait a css an empathy and he interjected his record for massachusetts and health care and what they were able to accomplish there. can mitt romney turn his health care plan inton advantage now especially since they've been trying to distance themselves fromhat all along? >> well, i think there's some mn bly mentions his role in passing health care reform in massachusetts when the first thing he pledged to do if he were to become president of the united states is repeal obama care and roll back all of those same provisions for americans. there are millions of amerins o have benedow have health insurance who didn't before, thanks to obama care. the young adults who can stay on their parents insurance until they're 26, seniors who are saving an average of $600 on thei
don't forget, i got everybodyn sta insured. 100% of the kids in our state have health insurance. i don't think there's anything that shows more i'm pat think and care about the people of this country than that kind of record. >> as chuck todd point i'd out this morning the question really wa't specifically about health cait a css an empathy and he interjected his record for massachusetts and health care and what they were able to accomplish there. can mitt romney turn his health care plan...
Sep 24, 2012
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then he leads them to a comeback win over the nnw england patriots in an emotional nnght at m&t bank staours after wide reciever torrey smith finds out his 19 year old brother died in a motorcycle accideet.... he plays, and leads the team to a 31-30 victory over the patriots. patriots.torrey smith says he didn't kkow if e would plly until he got to the stadium around 4:00 in the afternoon.... then felt like pt would be what his brothee wanted.-- the patriots started fass, and led 13-0 in the second quarter when joe flacco gets the ravens on the board thaas to guess who? torrey smith pulls in the 25 yard pass and takes a knee, to say a prayer after the scoree score. -- later the ravens strike again through the air... this time, 20 yards to dennis pitta. it's 14-13 ravens, then, but the patriits led 20- 11 at the end of the half.-- in the 3rd quarter after a ray rice touchdown, theepatriots re-take the lead on this danny woodhead 3 yard run. 27-21 patriots. they would add a field goal and lead 30-21 in the fourth quarter.-- but flacco and smith were not going to be denied in this one... th
then he leads them to a comeback win over the nnw england patriots in an emotional nnght at m&t bank staours after wide reciever torrey smith finds out his 19 year old brother died in a motorcycle accideet.... he plays, and leads the team to a 31-30 victory over the patriots. patriots.torrey smith says he didn't kkow if e would plly until he got to the stadium around 4:00 in the afternoon.... then felt like pt would be what his brothee wanted.-- the patriots started fass, and led 13-0 in...
Sep 28, 2012
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and i don't expect much rain at all on sta. right now i'm calling for a pretty nice saturday. sunday however, little bit of a different story. talk about that in a second. mostly cloudy tomorrow morning, warm with a shower possible, 58 to 67 degrees when you wake up tomorrow morning. when you step out the door, watch out for at least a little bit in the way of wet roadways, sun and clouds tomorrow afternoon, continued warmth with possible showers, temperatures 79 to 83 degrees. any showers that develop once again could produce some rather strong thunderstorms, too. then we move in towards the lower 70s. saturday 73, i think dry right now, 73 on sunday with a 30% chance of showers. but it's sunday that will be a lot of clouds. then we see sunshine back on monday, another storm which could bring us some pretty good rain coming up on tuesday. so we've been talking about that unsettled pattern. it doesn't look like until the middle of next tweak week before we finally break out of it. but we needed some of the rain so not bad. >> not the lightning, though. >> not the lightning, th
and i don't expect much rain at all on sta. right now i'm calling for a pretty nice saturday. sunday however, little bit of a different story. talk about that in a second. mostly cloudy tomorrow morning, warm with a shower possible, 58 to 67 degrees when you wake up tomorrow morning. when you step out the door, watch out for at least a little bit in the way of wet roadways, sun and clouds tomorrow afternoon, continued warmth with possible showers, temperatures 79 to 83 degrees. any showers that...
Sep 25, 2012
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to both candidates taking the sta today at the clinton global initiative. and this hour wel he liv fritmnn pl foeducation, his live sit down interview with brian williams just moments away. but first president's address happening as he comes under rapid fire overthe upheaval in the middle east. arkevicet l tideotape that defended the right of free speech. and just one hour after mitt romney took the president to task this morning at the clinton global initiative. >> i'lnever apologize to america. i believe that america has been one of the greatest forces for good the word has eve known. wean hd that knowledge in our hearts with humility and unwavering conviction. >> this follows 24 hours of the president being hammered by the right for the bump in the road remarks that he made about the middle east in the 60 minutes oignterview. >> there axtradina tsngn m east and considering them as bumps in the road shows a person who has a very different perspective as world affairs than the perspective i have. >> turn on the tv and it reminds you of 1979 tehran. pi arot
to both candidates taking the sta today at the clinton global initiative. and this hour wel he liv fritmnn pl foeducation, his live sit down interview with brian williams just moments away. but first president's address happening as he comes under rapid fire overthe upheaval in the middle east. arkevicet l tideotape that defended the right of free speech. and just one hour after mitt romney took the president to task this morning at the clinton global initiative. >> i'lnever apologize to...
Sep 28, 2012
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why don't we sta t? whr otheyot would be great for the cntry. we are 40 days out. hope springs eternal. maybe this campaign can yet live up to what our politics are supposed to be. and what on the issue of the wars they have always previously been before you became one of the nominees and couldn't handle it. our polics are supposeto be way sol proems. wegoob. do you have anything to say about how to fix them? he news starts with arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. mr. margin? don't be modest, bob. you found a better way to pack a bowling ball. that was ups. and who called ups? you did, bob. i just asked a question. it takes a long time to pack a bowling ball. the last guy pitched more ball packers. but you... you consulted ups. you found a better way. that's gis. ats in. find out what else ups knows. i'll do that. you're on a roll. that's funny. i wasn't being funny, bob. i know. ♪ that
why don't we sta t? whr otheyot would be great for the cntry. we are 40 days out. hope springs eternal. maybe this campaign can yet live up to what our politics are supposed to be. and what on the issue of the wars they have always previously been before you became one of the nominees and couldn't handle it. our polics are supposeto be way sol proems. wegoob. do you have anything to say about how to fix them? he news starts with arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1...
Sep 27, 2012
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tentative agreement that will end the lockout and bring regular officiating crews back to the fields staing tonight when the ravens take on the browns in baltimore. the deal include a significant salary raise for the officials and compromise on the much debad peiod rem benefits. the deal expected to be officially ratified by the union saturday night in dallas. the referees planning to work a full slate of games on sunday. we'll get a live report with dave ahead in sports. he'll help us through this to explain how it came to pas th candidates will be in virginia today. it's one of 30 states where early voting is already underway. it's a state president obama won in 2008 by more than 6% and where a polling average from real clear politics shows the president up by 1/2points. this follows a byn th l yeda bo candidates held dueling rallies as they crisscrossed ohio. there mitt romney tried to brush back suggestions his campaign was faltering in the state of ohio after polls showed him trailing the president by ten points. >> ieryle wso polls, less so with other polls. but frankly at this early
tentative agreement that will end the lockout and bring regular officiating crews back to the fields staing tonight when the ravens take on the browns in baltimore. the deal include a significant salary raise for the officials and compromise on the much debad peiod rem benefits. the deal expected to be officially ratified by the union saturday night in dallas. the referees planning to work a full slate of games on sunday. we'll get a live report with dave ahead in sports. he'll help us through...
Sep 26, 2012
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and there is brand new polling this morning from three key swing stas twiai roncerns inside the romney campaign. of likely voters, president obama now leads mitt romney by 10 percentage points in the state of ohio. that's a doue digit lead in the state no republican has lost and then won the presiden. thpresen ne psn florida. that is absolutely a must win state for romney. mr. obama now opening up a 12 point lead in pennsylvania according to this poll. that's a state, though, republicans have all but written off. those numbers echo polling from the "shington post" which gav thsi aht pnt advantage in ohio but p him up only four points in the state of florida. ohio in particular shaping up as a critical battleground. mitt romney spending his third consecutive day there. president obama will be in the state this morning. today's "new york times" reporting that aidot romney say the republican candidate and paul ryan will campaign together now much more often in the coming weeks. according to the report, the move underscores concerns that mr. romney is not generating enough excitement on hi
and there is brand new polling this morning from three key swing stas twiai roncerns inside the romney campaign. of likely voters, president obama now leads mitt romney by 10 percentage points in the state of ohio. that's a doue digit lead in the state no republican has lost and then won the presiden. thpresen ne psn florida. that is absolutely a must win state for romney. mr. obama now opening up a 12 point lead in pennsylvania according to this poll. that's a state, though, republicans have...
Sep 30, 2012
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he wrote, "until there's more evidence that the problem warrants new sta law, let's let the locals enforce what can already be called a comprehensive mandate." that was his quote, erin, and he says, look, let the local folks basically handle this. let's not do this at the state level. there's not enough evidence. what do you say to him? >> well, i would say the data that supported this is the large sxes most comprehensive ever collected in the united states. it is far larger than anyone else. i happen to be a very concerned mom, but more importantly, i'm also a researcher, and we looked at more than 25 states and more than 70 locations. clearly, the local authorities don't have the authority. it's not within their band width or yourself dikz as present. that was verified at every turn and many every county. in fact, someone from the environmental health department testified at the assembly health hearing and said, hey, listen, we don't go in there right now. not only don't we include it in our inspections, but we can't require corrective action in the event that a problem exists. >> i thin
he wrote, "until there's more evidence that the problem warrants new sta law, let's let the locals enforce what can already be called a comprehensive mandate." that was his quote, erin, and he says, look, let the local folks basically handle this. let's not do this at the state level. there's not enough evidence. what do you say to him? >> well, i would say the data that supported this is the large sxes most comprehensive ever collected in the united states. it is far larger...
Sep 9, 2012
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last week, thee point when the investor attentition really stas to focus on this when it is in europe. so it is a big deal, the fiscal cliff, 4% of gdp, secondly, it would hit at a team when it is the consumer's week of the it represents a big danger to the ecomy, the challenge is it is not discounted into the price. in other words, wewe're all talking about it. i have met verfew investors who believe it will happen. and if we move to an environment where it is likely, it could create volatility in the market. >>> so how do you invest against that kind of back drop? where would you put money to work right now? >> i think there are a couple of things that investors can do. one thing is the people that have the flexibility, right no the options in the market, that islow. youu bu insurance for the portfolio that will hopefully mitigate the impact if we do go over the cliff. the other is to look at assets that wilill also again, cushion the down side. so example, mega-caps are one place to look. another thought is europe, whehe we have reached an inflexion point, where that is the global
last week, thee point when the investor attentition really stas to focus on this when it is in europe. so it is a big deal, the fiscal cliff, 4% of gdp, secondly, it would hit at a team when it is the consumer's week of the it represents a big danger to the ecomy, the challenge is it is not discounted into the price. in other words, wewe're all talking about it. i have met verfew investors who believe it will happen. and if we move to an environment where it is likely, it could create...
Sep 28, 2012
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the nfl refs got a staing o tonight. right now they're running up and down the field in the rain as the ravens take on the browns in baltimore. overnight they made a tentative deal that got started back in june. the replacement refs made numerous controversial calls but this play and the game this past monday night caused such an up roar. they gave the seahawks the touchdown and the win a lot of us saw it as an interception for the packers. >> you never want to see a game end like that and you never want to see a game end on a controversial play. >> the new deal ends a three month long lockout and gives the ref a pay hike from 149,000 a year to 173,000 next season and 205,000 by the year 2019. remember, those are part-time jobs. the two sides also compromised on retirement benefits they're expected to approve the deal over the weekend. >>> we sent ken molestina out there and he's been watching the game. ken, what are they saying about the return of the regular refs? >> reporter: they're treating them, derek, like rock st
the nfl refs got a staing o tonight. right now they're running up and down the field in the rain as the ravens take on the browns in baltimore. overnight they made a tentative deal that got started back in june. the replacement refs made numerous controversial calls but this play and the game this past monday night caused such an up roar. they gave the seahawks the touchdown and the win a lot of us saw it as an interception for the packers. >> you never want to see a game end like that...
Sep 16, 2012
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i wourio askd boou the question, you know, especially with what gs at sta and at this electio, yerervind it be considered, you know, immoral not to go out to dezatnd oamer f ith and da iend our religious liberty. >> i am encouraging everybody to vote and change the e, mmi bustration that we hhen t the present time. but i've -- i'm not going to unadge the moralitriod you hhen e your own relationship with god. i'm not interzatring with thae o i do thie st it is very id foor. i want to get everyone out to vote. we need everyoner to i thie st that, ohn give us a vy important presentation today. .. it's been known to happen. but i hope you can encourage and make them. there's so many big issues. i think the tendency on government. at one of obama's hopes is to make more and more people dependent on government. he's got 47% of the american people are getting out there that in expenses from the taxpayers. and that's terrible. i grew up during the great depression. we didn't have any handouts to recruit to be to be the greatest generation. it's making people dependent on government. how many of
i wourio askd boou the question, you know, especially with what gs at sta and at this electio, yerervind it be considered, you know, immoral not to go out to dezatnd oamer f ith and da iend our religious liberty. >> i am encouraging everybody to vote and change the e, mmi bustration that we hhen t the present time. but i've -- i'm not going to unadge the moralitriod you hhen e your own relationship with god. i'm not interzatring with thae o i do thie st it is very id foor. i want to get...
Sep 7, 2012
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decision 2012, we are now just 60 days away from election day, and most pollsters say they are ten swing sta stateses that will likely choose the course for the country in the next four years. this morning weg got the latest jobs report showing america created only 96,000 private sector jobs, that number barely keeping up with population growth. danielle lee, that 96,000 falling far below expectations but the good news is it's kind of moving in the right direction. right? >> jon, yes, a step in the right direction. the problem is for many it's not a big enough step. job creation will be a big issue this election year and this report could hurt any momentum president obama gained following that democratic convention. rep kuublicans are going to use this as proof the economy is not improving quickly enough. as president obama leaves charlotte for a campaign event in new hampshire, he's preparing to encounter bad news about the jobs created last month. >> 100,000 jobs, that's a disappointment. expectation was somewhere between 125,000 and 150,000. >> reporter: equally concerning for economists
decision 2012, we are now just 60 days away from election day, and most pollsters say they are ten swing sta stateses that will likely choose the course for the country in the next four years. this morning weg got the latest jobs report showing america created only 96,000 private sector jobs, that number barely keeping up with population growth. danielle lee, that 96,000 falling far below expectations but the good news is it's kind of moving in the right direction. right? >> jon, yes, a...
Sep 22, 2012
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fourth, what happened with respect to the extension of the food sta and there was a temporary extension for the three month limit to get food stamps because unemployment was so high. and that expired and the number of recipients is going down. >> brenda: tony, six, and i think he was five, six? go ahead, take over, toby. >> i'm a simple person, all i know when i looked at the research from the congressional study reports, that they said, there was a normal amount of increase in food stamps and welfare during, you know, the great recession, but if you take the able bodied side, the side of people that would have normally, you know, increased at a normal rate, it increased double the rate. so, i agree with gary, you can't argue this statistical fact that it's increased double the rate when the rules were changed and made it easier to get welfare, but, look, what bothers me more about the whole thing, now that we're paying for food stamp with food housing bills and we have to hide this and haven't gotten into this. >> brenda: food stamps may be overused, but is it because of the policy. >>
fourth, what happened with respect to the extension of the food sta and there was a temporary extension for the three month limit to get food stamps because unemployment was so high. and that expired and the number of recipients is going down. >> brenda: tony, six, and i think he was five, six? go ahead, take over, toby. >> i'm a simple person, all i know when i looked at the research from the congressional study reports, that they said, there was a normal amount of increase in food...
Sep 20, 2012
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one thing to note, mitt romney's likeability is at risk in these sta states. >> all right, chuck todd, with all things political thank you. >>> and now to capitol hill where a fight over the federal budget has put a big piece of legislation on hold. and that, of course, has left farmers across the country in limbo. our report from nbc's kelly o'donnell. >> reporter: for family farmers across america, first, the pain of drought. and now this. today, congress delivered a disappointing blow. >> we will deal with the farm bill after the election. >> reporter: but the current law expires in ten days. >> if we are fortunate enough to have lunch or breakfast today, we ought to care about the farm bill. >> reporter: the obstacle is not about farms, but the funding for the farm bill. food stamps, they want to delay a messy fight on how much government should spend on food stamps, many demand far deeper cuts to the program than the planned 16 billion reduction. >> the number of able-bodies have doubled. the federal debt is up by five trillion. >> reporter: the family business is at stake for co
one thing to note, mitt romney's likeability is at risk in these sta states. >> all right, chuck todd, with all things political thank you. >>> and now to capitol hill where a fight over the federal budget has put a big piece of legislation on hold. and that, of course, has left farmers across the country in limbo. our report from nbc's kelly o'donnell. >> reporter: for family farmers across america, first, the pain of drought. and now this. today, congress delivered a...
Sep 23, 2012
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you have any idea how many churches have been audited, how many churches have lost their nonprofit stas? >> there's not a single church that's lost its nonprofit status in 58 years. >> reporter: in fact, at least one church briefly lost its nonprofit status in 1992 in binghamton, new york, after the church purchased a full page ad opposing presidential nominee bill clinton. it is difficult to know about audits because the irs doesn't disclose them, but in the vast majority of cases the agency simply issues a warning. so then why is pulpit freedom sunday necessary? >> because an unjust law is still on the books. it is unconstitutional, many believe, and if it's unconstitutional and that law stands, it needs to be removed. >> reporter: marcus owens worked for the irs for 25 years. he was the head of the exempt organization division. owens says many people don't understand that the 501c3 law was created by congress, not the irs. >> so the congress has on at least two occasions subsequent to the enactment of 1954 of the original prohibition, reaffirmed and increased the penalty on intervent
you have any idea how many churches have been audited, how many churches have lost their nonprofit stas? >> there's not a single church that's lost its nonprofit status in 58 years. >> reporter: in fact, at least one church briefly lost its nonprofit status in 1992 in binghamton, new york, after the church purchased a full page ad opposing presidential nominee bill clinton. it is difficult to know about audits because the irs doesn't disclose them, but in the vast majority of cases...
Sep 12, 2012
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take vo ---mirkarimi ha solicitado que sta decision se tome hasta despues de las elecciones de noviembre-- los supervisores deberan analizar las recomendaciones de la comision para decidir si destituyen al funcionario luego que se declaro culpable de un caso de violencia domestica. cesar ---decenas de residentes del condado de san mateo exigieron esta maÑana a la mesa de supervisores a no aprobar un refuerzo presupuestario de 44,2 millones de dolares que serviria para la construccion de una carcel... take nat wait for cue ---los manifestantes exigen que las autoridades busquen otras alternativas para disminuir la poblacion carcelaria y que inviertan en programas de reinsercion de los reos... ---si los supervisores aprueban el presupuesto para la carcel deberan recortar dinero a progaramas de salud, educacion y vivienda. ---los funcionarios analizaran el presupuesto el 25 de septiembre proximo. roll open cesar una conocida tienda latina cerrar todas sus tiendas en california.. blanca ---en contraste, un nuevo centro comercial en livermore, planea contratar a ms de 2 mil empleados antes de
take vo ---mirkarimi ha solicitado que sta decision se tome hasta despues de las elecciones de noviembre-- los supervisores deberan analizar las recomendaciones de la comision para decidir si destituyen al funcionario luego que se declaro culpable de un caso de violencia domestica. cesar ---decenas de residentes del condado de san mateo exigieron esta maÑana a la mesa de supervisores a no aprobar un refuerzo presupuestario de 44,2 millones de dolares que serviria para la construccion de una...
Sep 9, 2012
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if romney doesn't win ohio he would virtually have to win every other battleground sta to have a chance. >> rick, i wanted to take you back to the image we saw in david kerley's report. the pizza shop owner and when he walked in he said look at this guy's guns. i've never seen one so big, 6'3" and lifted him off his feet and you learned more about why the president was there. >> the pizza shop owner received commendations for his work in getting others to donate blood and for the president what a photo-op. a literal lift coming out of the convention. doesn't hurt it's also in florida. >> doesn't hurt. another key battleground. rick klein with us. rick, as always, thanks for the bigger picture. >>> we move on to the mystery outside seattle. the surprise thud from the sky in a normally quiet neighborhood there. look at this huge piece of dented metal about the size of a refrigerator. it is actually the door to a jumbo jet. abc's john schriffen working the phones. so far they're unwilling to say where it came from. >> reporter: seemed like a regular morning when suddenly this massive objec
if romney doesn't win ohio he would virtually have to win every other battleground sta to have a chance. >> rick, i wanted to take you back to the image we saw in david kerley's report. the pizza shop owner and when he walked in he said look at this guy's guns. i've never seen one so big, 6'3" and lifted him off his feet and you learned more about why the president was there. >> the pizza shop owner received commendations for his work in getting others to donate blood and for...
Sep 24, 2012
eye 220
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then he leads them to a comeback win over the new england patriots in an emotional night at m&t bank staever torrey smith finds out his 19 year old brother died in a motorcycle acccdent.... he plays, and leads tte team to a 31-30 victory over tte patriots. patriots.torrey smith sayy he didn't know if he wwuld play until he got to the stadium around 4:00 in the afternoon.... then felt like it would be what his brother wanted.-- the patriots started fast, and led 13-0 in the second quarter when joe flacco getssthe ravens on the board thans to guess who? torrey smith pulls in the 25 yard pass aad takes a knee, to score. -- later the ravens strike again through the air... this time, 20 yardd to dennis pitta. it's 14-13 ravens, then, but the patriots led 20- 14 at the end of the half.-- in the 3rd quarter after a ray rice touchdown, the patriots re-take the lead on this danny woodhead 3 yard run. 27-21 &ppatriots. they would add a field goalland lead 30-21 in the fourth quarter.-- but flacco and smith were not going to be denied in this one... this time it's a 5 yard td pass, to bring the rav
then he leads them to a comeback win over the new england patriots in an emotional night at m&t bank staever torrey smith finds out his 19 year old brother died in a motorcycle acccdent.... he plays, and leads tte team to a 31-30 victory over tte patriots. patriots.torrey smith sayy he didn't know if he wwuld play until he got to the stadium around 4:00 in the afternoon.... then felt like it would be what his brother wanted.-- the patriots started fast, and led 13-0 in the second quarter...
Sep 18, 2012
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>e>> stas son las noticias que están en la mira. >>> el príncipe guillermo y su novia demandaron portido con fragmentos de una ley peruana que señala que las personas tienen derecho de elegir el tipo de anticoncpetivo que quieran. >>> el vocalista del grupo pesado dice que entrará en al política, tenemos la infg. >>> la decisión está tomada, beto zapata, el vocalista del grupo pesado se lanzará a la política. >>> que la gente sepa que nos vamos a lanzar para darle un beneficio. >>>e n la mira tiene una alcaldía de nuevo león. >>> creo que aún no es el momento, pero vamos a esperar para ganar puntos con la gente, qué quiero decir, hacer lo que tenemos que hacer todos los días, ayudar a la ngt. >>> el deseo fue ante la ola de violencia de la ciudad donde nació. >>> afuera de la casa de ustedes, llegó un tipo con un arma, simplemente le dije que se llevara la camioneta. >>> quién no recuerda los momentos que vivió el baterista del grupo, que le robaron un vehículo con su hijo dentro. >>> si te queda un poco marcado ,porque iba mi hijo dentro, pero tratas de tomar un poco más de precauci
>e>> stas son las noticias que están en la mira. >>> el príncipe guillermo y su novia demandaron portido con fragmentos de una ley peruana que señala que las personas tienen derecho de elegir el tipo de anticoncpetivo que quieran. >>> el vocalista del grupo pesado dice que entrará en al política, tenemos la infg. >>> la decisión está tomada, beto zapata, el vocalista del grupo pesado se lanzará a la política. >>> que la gente sepa que nos...
eye 288
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butj'vv;,pregame meetingòe johnson, fort usureit00v twozwvu m allók talkin fro molooking,é7x sta he knowsas for today's game, detweiler, did he all his talking from the lefty. bottom two, well, he is getting in some run laroche, taking jeff samardzija deep to the second deck in right. inningscqhv01zimmerman he was insu insu the 3-2 pitch isth detweiler gives us just four hits over seven innings of shutout ball. bottom eight, ryan zimmerman, looking to give the nats some insurance with a 1-0 lead. he does just that. zim rips [h started on first base, he is hustling, you think anyone can stop oá yf/z he proves to be the game-winning run, nats beat the cubs, 2-1, thanks to their number five etter, you know, he is getting -- he is really confident and stuff. he starts using all his weaponsj he starts using all his weaponsj ffj?05 a how760:b in i'm justá?th situations, iis bigges in seems esda to stop7&ñ in the the >> in another special moment. >> the spit. o0t seempq1om ÷ having +l6 there lxbe]fb0hhblasts >>>u she s knewk todc1 outq >>> jj hard day a jchlj m;9 de
butj'vv;,pregame meetingòe johnson, fort usureit00v twozwvu m allók talkin fro molooking,é7x sta he knowsas for today's game, detweiler, did he all his talking from the lefty. bottom two, well, he is getting in some run laroche, taking jeff samardzija deep to the second deck in right. inningscqhv01zimmerman he was insu insu the 3-2 pitch isth detweiler gives us just four hits over seven innings of shutout ball. bottom eight, ryan zimmerman, looking to give the nats some insurance with a 1-0...
Sep 25, 2012
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not much of a del sta breeze -- delta breeze. upper 80 for the jot layers -- out-layers. once this system moves out, high pressure will move in, and so the fog will move out. it was 82 in santa rosa. read wood city, 79. fairfield, 87, antioch 90 degrees, so little change on wednesday. the weekend looks warm to hot. if everything comes in as planned, everything should have warm items. >>> investors are waiting for a report between a meeting of officials. overnight markets in asia and the pacific closed with mixed results. there was a quarter% gain -- quart refer percent gained with the ca modty -- ca modties. the opening bell will be in about an hour. apple had a loss of 1% because of disappointment of the i phone. they sold 5 million in the first week but they expected at least 8 million. >> the time is 5:21. president obama's campaign soaring to new heights, the unique high flying stunt of this all caught on camera. >>> fighting to bring home the body of a young bay area man, the new development after a deadly radiotual -- ritual in peru. . >>> the father of an 18-year-
not much of a del sta breeze -- delta breeze. upper 80 for the jot layers -- out-layers. once this system moves out, high pressure will move in, and so the fog will move out. it was 82 in santa rosa. read wood city, 79. fairfield, 87, antioch 90 degrees, so little change on wednesday. the weekend looks warm to hot. if everything comes in as planned, everything should have warm items. >>> investors are waiting for a report between a meeting of officials. overnight markets in asia and...
Sep 19, 2012
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i thought federal law would crump sta trump state law. >> it can especially if it's a school gettings from federal government or state government. you have to be in compliance with both laws. >>> let's read another statement. the school's superintendent in cranston rhode island. we will move forward and do what we are supposed to do. hopefully the law americas will listen to what the public has to say. we are expecting some sort of public hearings on this. there's a real out cry. a lot of people are upset about this. >> it's an election year. this has become a hot local issue. there's a guy running for senate there he has made it a center piece of his campaign. if you get me elected i will make the law. one of the providence papers were running an on-line poll 97 percent in opposition. >> that one girl can stay home if she doesn't like it but gis people get offended. giving us the breakdown of this one. >> or take your grandfather or take another man in the neighborhood that you are close with. >> thank you, heather. it is now 48 after the hour. still ahead, frightening new numbers a
i thought federal law would crump sta trump state law. >> it can especially if it's a school gettings from federal government or state government. you have to be in compliance with both laws. >>> let's read another statement. the school's superintendent in cranston rhode island. we will move forward and do what we are supposed to do. hopefully the law americas will listen to what the public has to say. we are expecting some sort of public hearings on this. there's a real out cry....
Sep 13, 2012
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in fact there's nobody there right now in terms of american sta staff>> we talked about sending in 50rines. the war ships are in labia. there is no way they can protect the higher region. you have been there at the embassy in yemen. if they do if the u.s. secures the embassies are we talking about one or two security officers or hundreds that surround the whole compound? >> you are talking about beefed up security a heightened alert. u.s. marines are train to do this job train to do defend the embassies. there can be beefing up adding personnel. the presence off the libyan coast for example that is there as much as presence as anything else in case a further evacuation of u.s. personnel u.s. individuals might be needed from libya. there can be some degree of american presence in tripoli. we have not -- libya has not been heard of today yet. we are focusing on a few other countries now. >>> thank you so much. >> we continue to follow the situation now. stories making news at this hour. health and human services secretary kathleen sib beebeliu hot water for campaigning for president oba
in fact there's nobody there right now in terms of american sta staff>> we talked about sending in 50rines. the war ships are in labia. there is no way they can protect the higher region. you have been there at the embassy in yemen. if they do if the u.s. secures the embassies are we talking about one or two security officers or hundreds that surround the whole compound? >> you are talking about beefed up security a heightened alert. u.s. marines are train to do this job train to do...
Sep 24, 2012
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security i rainfall sta-- of st clinton and whether or not there would be a presidential run in the futurehere's what he had to say about that. >> i don't know. she is worked hard for 20-years 8 years in the white house she served in new york for 8 years and immediately became secretary of state. she is tired. she is really worked hard. i think she is done a fabulous job. i am very proud of her, but she wants to take some time off, kind of regroup, write a book i hope we will be working together. she was doing this work long before i was. a lot of what we do now women and girls were driven by some of the things she started in the state department. i think we ought to give her a chance to organize her life and decide what she wants to do. i just don't know. she is an extraordinarily able person. i never met anybody i thought was a public servant. i have no earthly idea what she will decide to do. >> do you think she would be the most qualified person to run? >> i never met anybody i thought was any better than her. >> president clinton going on to say it is secretary clinton's own decision
security i rainfall sta-- of st clinton and whether or not there would be a presidential run in the futurehere's what he had to say about that. >> i don't know. she is worked hard for 20-years 8 years in the white house she served in new york for 8 years and immediately became secretary of state. she is tired. she is really worked hard. i think she is done a fabulous job. i am very proud of her, but she wants to take some time off, kind of regroup, write a book i hope we will be working...
Sep 3, 2012
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some say sta offish.ell me about that. >> reporter: the title is very literal, the president, the man. one of the questions i asked him about is this reputation he has as being cool and aloof. we look at whether that has helped him or hurt him or both in office. i asked him is it fair that this description of him is cool and how has it helped or hurt. here is part of his answer. >> sometimes michelle and i not doing the circuit and going out to dinners with folks is perceived as us being cool. it really has more to do with us being parents. when we're in town here in washington, in the evenings, 6:30 we want to be at the dinner table with our kids. >> reporter: there's a lot more to that answer. there are a lot more opinions on whether or not his staying at home with the kids, if that's the whole story, has sort of hurt him in terms of his relationships on capitol hill and with some of the power elites in washington who could help him cut deals and we get into that and more in the documentary tonight. int
some say sta offish.ell me about that. >> reporter: the title is very literal, the president, the man. one of the questions i asked him about is this reputation he has as being cool and aloof. we look at whether that has helped him or hurt him or both in office. i asked him is it fair that this description of him is cool and how has it helped or hurt. here is part of his answer. >> sometimes michelle and i not doing the circuit and going out to dinners with folks is perceived as us...