i was excited by the work of kalw and the fact they were part of the bringing the staal enters of the students together with the community. what i've come to learn also, is that behind every one minute of good radio is at least 20 hours of work. in the case of this project with student reporters, someone on the klaw staff wrote a grant to pay for staff who worked with students, someone met with the teachers in advance to plan the lesson, someone found the veterans who would be interviewed, someone listened to dozens of interviews to help guide student editors and that is just a shortlist of the many steps involved in ink ing the high-quality sound that we hear on klw. in short, it takes resources to produce great content. as matt martin said, tonight is the last time he will come before the board as klw's station manager. matt has been a phenomenal leader, who is well respected by listeners, staff and the public radio community across the nation. under his charge, the station has cultivated and grown diverse local talent that was first heard here on kalw and can now be heard across th