are all coming through iowa.senator stabenow says that doesn't happen for tr. trump.basically he doesn't have people out speaking for him because they don't want to be identified with his name calling, hate and fear stabenow's perspective -- but we ?don't see many surrogates coming through for republicans. the republican party so far has stuck to scheduling more appearances from trump and pence themselves.both troy price and donald trump's iowa state director eric branstad agree that democrats and republicans have always run different styles of campaigns. while democrats promote their 24 offices -- republicans talk about how they started working loss.the republican playbook, going backto 2004, the focus has always been on the 72 hour get out the vote effort. pushing people in that final 72 hours to get out and vote on election day. that playbook has changed. 2016 brings new challenges. trump won a long and ugly primary -- driving the republican party of iowa to hold "united gop" letting republican party of iowa chair jeff kaufmann prove he -- and everyone else