. >> board of supervisors, my name is stacey delbuccia. i was going in san francisco with bipolar. i have been diagnosed with psychotic features and depression. the doctors at that time did not have mental health knowledge. they did not know what was wrong with a. it was six years that i did not sleep. i still have sleeping issues today. i urge and beg the board to continue all mental health support. please do not cut anything. my life has been a roller coaster. almost everyone in my family has had mental illness diagnosed. i have a great grandfather who died in the mental hospital. i am back here in san francisco. i found help at orange county, thank god, and just arrived in san francisco in month ago. i think i was the candidate that was able to go to west side crisis. i got my medicine. if i cannot be well and cannot help my family, i do not know what is calling to happen to me. i encourage everyone to please continue the research and support and everything. >> supervisors and leaders of our community, on a national scale, mayors from all over the united states are convening to