joining me to talk about this is stacey gruber. good to see you. i know you have been following a lot of this news carefully. there's a new poll that says 88% of the country supports legalizing medical marijuana. but i'm curious when you see a story like the one we just did, what do you think of them? do you think there's a potential for backlash? >> i think anything is possible. i think it's certainly a compelling argument for a parent to want the very best for their child. i think medicinal marijuana has a number of tremendous utilities and applications as we have seen. the question is once medicinal marijuana becomes more widespread and or recreational marijuana is legal across the country as it's becoming, what do we expect will happen with use rates and specifically with regard to research what happens to emerging adults and adolescents with regards to their use. >> i want to ask about that. some of it is trying to look at history and trying to predict what's going to happen to usage. according to the colorado law, you have to be over 21 to bu