stacey segal braving the mall in los angeles. >> we are doing the same christmas track eight times . extra points to who wrote the creative introduction. according to the initial retail federation. 37 million americans had not even started their christmas shopping two weeks ago. and that is not stressing out all of the businesses and the stores. they relie on those procrastinators to shell out the made cash. and over all numbers are looking good and holiday spending is projected to be up seventy percent. internet sales have risen 15 percent . they are finding more big items. they propose cars and tronn tronns . when that had the urge to spend and doesn't have the capacity, you get a pent-up demand. we are seeing confidence . >> and typically holiday spending accounts for the total profits. >> and although they look promising. it is not an indicator that consumers will open the spending flood gates in 2012. made the consumers feel nervous. we have a major problem to deal with. and wes and months . the people who wait until the lastt minute get