. >> if you received a gift that's not quite right, stacey tisdale is a financial journalist and authornd the big problem i see one wanted gifts is telling someone who had the kindness and generosity to give you a gift that you would like to return it. is there a gift receipt, do you need one. >> you do need a gift receipt and do need some of the original tags. otherwise you're probably not going to get a return but we have to rethink this. >> okay. >> it's really hard to tell someone gnaw want to return their gift. so we real very to think of it as you're wasting their money. >> but you're saying the people who love you enough to give you a gift or like you enough or feel obligated enough to have a gift want you to have a gift that you're actually using so better is to ask them for a receipt and when you go to the store are you bound tone counter problems at the senators? >> big retailers lyric walmart and target have a 90-day return policy. >>nice, nice. >> but it's complicated this year because some stores are being more lenient and others are tightening up so it's really on the cons