i'm stacie bradley and the item before you, as patrick mentioned is the allocation of funds for two ofour parks and i'll walk you through the park area very quickly and then the two park renovations. if i could have the screen. the zoning district is where the sea is levied and it can go towards parks that serves this district. we have circled turk hyde and willie woo-woo wong is in chinatown. for hyde, we're redoing the entire playground. this is in coordination of strengthening the existing parks. the park is expected to be opened in the end of the year and the renovation includes playground improvements, landscaping, irrigation, improved amenities and the current budget is $2.25 million and we had provided bridge funding until we were able to come to the join commissio join. for the second park, it's in chinatown and it's a full park renovation. if yo.there is a new playgroundd new courts. the funding for this is to address un-foreseen site conditions and close the budget. i am joined by our capital and planning director and our capital planning finance manager. if you have any ques