>> stacy layton. thank you. >> hi. i'm kathy bellen, i'm the kinder second grade teacher at star king. i've been there for 14 years. it's a wonderful community. i'm also a member of the schoolside council and member of the u.b.c. so our king star teachers were excited to find out that the asphalt was going to be repaired. and that was just such good news, but then we were so surprised to find out that you know, we would have to -- it looked like we would have to be closed for a second summer. by closing, as stacy said, closing it this summer, it has been impacting enrollment for springboard and it's been such a good program. we really wanted to continue. but we do know the asphalt needs to be done, so it's understood we're going to make the move this summer and close the schools and get that done. the asphalt is broken up. there are a lot of cracks. it's pretty unsafe. but then when we found out we would have to be closed for a second year to have this work done, it's very concerning and you know, i'm concerned how the