. >> stacy palmer. >> in the search for private money, how are you able to compete at this time when the recession is so tough? you are competing against food kitchens and other desperate needs. how to you say to a donor that a museum is an important thing to support? >> good question. the fact is, what i like to think -- i've gotgotten to know the smithsonian more. people love the smithsonian. they see themselves in it, a special connected way. they see themselves. folks, when you work with a donor, they're going to have local causes. they're going to want to give to their universities or schools or churches or charitable causes. but they like to have a national cause, and so if they're going to make a contribution to the country in a national way, the smithsonian is a logical place to do that because we represent the whole country. >> have you been able to raise money to deal with some of the renovation needs that you have? apparently many crumbling buildings. people like to give to a glitzy exhibit. >> this has been a good year for us actually. we are probably going to end up a li