i was 10 when i went my first time to stagedoor manor. >> a camp like stagedoor manor may not be for the message about following your dreams certainly is. >> i would say you need to follow your heart, you need to be really determined, practice, do everything you can, and have fun, and see where it takes you. >> can we give her another round of applause? [ cheers and applause ] >> good advice for all of us. >> ever have that feeling that you've been someplace before or experienced something before when you know you haven't? it's a weird feeling called déjà vu. that's french for "already seen." so what causes it? scientists aren't exactly sure, but most rule out sci-fi explanations like momentarily crossing over into a parallel dimension. one explanation may be a misfiring in the brain. that's when two neurons send the same message but it arrives less than a nanosecond apart. so you get that sensation of already having experienced something before. ever have that feeling that you've been someplace before or experienced something before when you know you haven't? did i have you going th