a stagggring 46 million families now rely on food stamps. stamps.absolutely not.sot - wlos america04405 - no..not really. sot - wsyz merica3:47-3:53 no. (laughs) not with the economy. i don't have a job hardsoo - wlos americaretty - 3:34-3:35 no (laughs)sot - wpec america1:02-1:04. better off four years agosot - wsyx america2:23-2:25 i work harder than i did 4 years ago. so i guess so...yeah.sot - wloo america1156-1:59 i'm retired. does that mean i'm better off? off nnw. how so. because i am - retired and enjoying the means i have in reeirement. that bbings us to our question of the day. are you better off now than you ere four yeers ag? ago? head to our facebook page and let us know if you're rrady for 2212 or hoping for a return to 2008. a new reeort reveals widespread problems with this country's voter regiitration ro. rolls. the rrport, found one in every eiiht registrations in this country is innaccurate. and close to two million regissered voters are actually dead. the report laims election boards are far too slow in pdating their records. 3 "