. >> up next we discuss shell shock, describing the effect of long-term distress of stagner is academic dean. this was part of a two day symposium hosted by the memorial in kansas city, missouri. >> after working as a visiting assistant profess sore or at university of california she serves ads the dean at lamar community college. her research focuses on the history of psychological war trauma. st stagner's presentation will highlight how in 1916 the public began to understand the devastating complications of shell shock epidemic. she will address how various attempts were made to replicate the damage it rocked on countless soldiers and others involved in the war. on this anniversary, 1916 stag ner's presentation is a talk that is both timely and ir refutably relevant to our world today. it is my pleasure to introduce annessa stag ner. [ applause ] >> as we have already heard this morning the first world war marked if more the modern industrial war. as we have heard, total war. with it came construction on a massive scale. mines killed hundreds in single explosions. gas seemingly melted