oh, is does that stair spaniel banner yet wave. over the land of the free. (clapping.) thank you michelle from ambassador high school give her another round of applause please. i'd like to mention that our speaker eddy who is the president of the chinese chamber of commerce couldn't make it here today he had emergency eye city, of course, the chinese chamber of commerce is an integral part of this but we would like to recognize a few of the friends of this event from the office of congress woman nancy pelosi. also the following are city commissioners please stand. gregory chow and rodney and steven lee and leo and irene riling and julie sue, my good friend right there please stand and cindy wu please give them a round of applause and other cities are celebrated the year of the hours from our sister city we have a representative and vietnam and the office of vietnam trade. there we are thank you. a special friend who's the president of the academy of art university. (clapping.) now, it's my pleasure to honor a chinese gentleman it's the oldest chinese embassy