peace came to stalin grad. the city with the rescuing army of the dawn. stalin grad was free. nazis ka pit lant. the germans ordered by hitler to take stalin grad and would immediately promise that the city would be his, these generals, 24 of them, covered themselves with such glory and such medals, on the fields of pole and and norway and france. they now had only that past glory. and and norway and franc. they now had only that past glory.and and norway and france. they now had only that past glory. this is commander-in-chief of stalin grad. he said would he see to it that families died in reprizal. when he faced his captors, perhaps he had anxiety that hitler might take revenge on his family. he knew when he surrendered that hitler lost not only field martial, he lost an entire army. 22 divisions. 330,000 men. these are the men who had been promised his conquers they would winter in stalin grad. well, it was winter and this was stallin grad. here were the conquerers. when another spring broke over the russia