i i just need to be going if you just can just take a good she said stamfordham individualists the i meet me x. too deep to mr she is just a crazy i just it was a military upright thing with military tools in addition to people are going to be killed here. because. i. think that if. demonstrations against the wall also turn violent they quickly erupt would stone throwing and gunfire it is mostly the protesters who are seriously injured sometimes protesters get killed. they believe the it's my duty as an israeli what's happening here you can keep the email account and it's being done in in our name if you judge if we do we agree with it or not a moral obligation is to come here and stampede of people actually enough to state if you oppose something your demented doing when such crimes are being committed i take a bow and i think it's our duty to come here and give you just a little like any other good job. because you don't have to do it alone there are soldiers over there you'll be surrounded not just move boys come to the east do not go west brown. boys get back here. are we going a