other than stan smith, all were reluctant to speak to us for this report. when it comes it a public schools overhaul, a lot of people say race marts. the city of new orleans is black, making the majority of students and teachers black. >> it was a blow to the black middle class. teachers that you had prior to the storm lived in the community. a lot of people wanted to be like that person, it was someone's aunt. you went to the grocery store with that person, the church. >> here leaders tapped to revamp a black student body are och white or from out of -- often white or from out of town, creating tension, and not appreciating the role schools have played. >> in new orleans we have a history of inequity and injustice around opportunity for students with colour and most of the schools have a story of struggle just to get the schools to open. >> brenda is a pastor in a church in the seventh ward. it was home to middle class blacks and at its core a public school. one of the things that held the neighbourhood together. this generation of kids has been denied the