one in standford, one at the university of utah, oregon and washington. we do a lot of this, especially with college aged students. i've been blessed throughout my priesthood to work with a lot of people. >> my wife is a college professor and deals with 18-year-old and 19-year-old mind and it keeps her very young. >> at st. dominic's we have a very strong young adult presence. our mailing list is thousands every week and so the consistency of those who were catholic to know that you are not alone, most folks feel like they are cut off. not just from others but cut off from others who really believe. so the ministry is gathering together, allowing people who are young to give the permission to each other that i can live my faith boldly. in a time when there are so many ways that divide us, they pray together, they gathered together to have fun together and also be formed together. this particular past of things they have done is a host of that and they seek to bring the parish together. they are very eager to live their faith and almost need permission for