d this stroke of good fortune, a mentor who -- there was a class that needed teaching at stanford busine school, entrepreneurship in small business and one of my mentors said to the dean let's have jim have ahance of doing it and i will take responsibility if he messes up and all of a sudden i had this, and i had this class in entrepreneurship in small business. >> rose: a nice phrase. >> you can think about what you do, you need the place to stand, and i remember the first day i walked into the classroom, at stanford business school and had this classroom, like, wow i have a license to ask questions. >> rose: right. >> but i was also trying to figure out how to teach this and boy, i am 29 years old or something and most of my students are older than me, i need somebody who can help me add more to this, so i called steve jobs. i called steve. >> rose: what time in his life? >> this was wilderness years. this is where the 1 comes. so i called him up, and i said, hi, you know, you don't know me, i am teaching a class in entrepreneurship in small business but i call the course building and endurin