keith humphreys, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, stanford school of medicine, department of psychiatry, stanford, california. beverly haberle, project director, pennsylvania recovery organization, achieving community together, southeast pennsylvania. joe powell, executive director, association of persons affected by addiction, dallas, texas. dr. thomasina borkman, professor of sociology emerita, george mason university, fairfax, virginia. keith, let's start out by letting the audience know what is the need for treatment in terms of substance use and mental disorders in this country? a lot of people aren't aware of how prevalent these conditions are, but amazingly there are 45 million american adults who meet the criteria for a mental health problem. and 23 million who meet it for substance use, alcohol or drugs. and most of those who also smoke and the overlap between those groups is about 10 million people who struggle with both of those problems. so that means at any given time one in four people in this country could conceivably benefit from treatment for mental health