in this stang, they find a stash of firearms on the fro seat. but it turns out the dver is a policeetective and they let him go. >> translated ): we see ople who arvery ostentatious. they show off their gold chain big bracelet but then they wear leather sandals. and these are thin that give them away. >>eporter: the army also sifts thugh residential neighborhoods seching for gangsters. troops say this mocular device can dect firearms or drugs at 300 rds. bumany residents don't like the military invadintheir lives. >> ( translated ): why do you thiso us? >> reporter: this busiss woman gets aoyed about being stopped on her own strt and launches into a scathing attack on th soldrs. >> ( translated ): how much longerill we citizens have to put up with you stoppings. look, onnight i was with two friends, who live two ocks away. they were all my age grandparents. they stoppeds here, they stopped us there. then on the cornerthen again outside the use. please. fo checks in five minutes. how can this be? >> reporte many mexicans complain that the army op