smoking in the wrong place, or for hooliganism, the deputy of the state duma on economic policy, stanislav naumovia it already exists, the same credit history, or, for example, the rating in a taxi aggregator. any modern system is complexly organized, it has some obvious rules and there are incomprehensible rules, these incomprehensible rules must be explored, but in no case should anyone be divided into any groups, strata, layers, short pants, three matches, it’s like in some kind of kinzad -then yes. no, this is all an excuse for social satire. the head of the faction , rightly rosov sergei mironov , solely for the sake of fairness, proposes to make russian officials the object of experiments. and so people are tense because their data is being used without their knowledge. a there are some other ratings here, if we’re going to start ratings, then not from the bottom, because it will never reach the top, but it’s better to start right at the top, start with our officials. on what scale to evaluate officials, as in the 16th century, only adjusted for modernity , to assign points based on the num