, the dying and the strength only and the padrymka of the woman, believe alyaksandra, whom stanislava pashchotna been sleeping all hour, i think and that’s right, because of this there will be haste. i am the music, the bright path, the vigilant one, our kahanne. in 1858, fartun 's pit collapsed. at the vyalik theaters of warsaw, the premier of the opera is pebble. tragic story, fall down and throw the evil lords of the village, water and tears. whenever there is a fire, the hall of the lethal explosion is destroyed by accidents. aўtar opera atrymlіvae pasada. galounaga hole and hole of the theater. my name appears on posters all the time. let us not forget the great radzima in warsaw. at the score of your plytagon, manyushka ўklyuchyў i'll introduce you to the lyavoniki. pazney, a knower of belarusian folklore, rygor shyrma zdzivitsa. the getai opera has such a wealth of song and dance folk dances that it creates life for hours. folk svyatsi dzestsi pad slutsk tsi kalya minsk. most of the operas pra kahanne, menavita yano kіrue svetam. all the creatures of the terrible world are not so charming