[dial tone] hi, stankley, how many sponsors so far? zero. come on, man. you gotta step it up.ause. jan called this morning and pledged $500. isn't that your money? that is for a good cause. phyllis, how is the rabies quilt coming? oh, it's coming. oh, look at that! three. way to honor meredith, phyllis. (kevin) michael? yes? you cannot make me run. okay. it is not a real charity. it's stupid, michael. and i'm not gonna do it. all right. you didn't run for me when i thought i had skin cancer. i know that you're probably scared. of people seeing your fat legs in shorts. no. okay. well, back in olden times, a large, fat person like this was a person of power. a person who had money, who could buy food. a person of respect, like the regional manager of the day. whereas someone athletic and trim like myself was somebody who worked in the fields, and i was a peasant. i just don't wanna run. i didn't bring my sneakers or my clothes. well, you're going to have to run or you're gonna be in a lot of trouble. it is not olden times anymore. [cheerful music] ♪ i'm petrified of nipple chafi