she went from stanley ann, to ann dunham, to ann obama, to ann soetoro. then she stayed and kept the soetoro name even through her divorce in 1980. rather than abandon the name and go back to dunham or obama or whatever for some new name, she decided instead to modernize the spelling of soetoro, which was happening. she broke from the family by giving herself sutoro. which is what many japanese did, not the old traditional male japanese, but the at least likely to update. so he kept his name, but updated it, while her daughter kept the old spelling, and then towards the end of her life, because she is finishing her dissertation for anthropology in hawaii, she reverted to dunham. at the end of her life, she had in her correspondence with her insurance company when she was will, s.m. with stanley in brackets. stanley resurfaced at the end. >> host: the president has said i know she was the kindest, most generous spirit that i have known. and that what is best in me i owe her. he wasn't there when she died. why is that? >> guest: well, to give him the benefi