thank you. >> stanley chan, followed by oren hellstrom [sounds like]. >> my name is stanley chan, president of value fire protection. we have been operating out of san francisco for 25 years. we have many projects in sfo, puc, parks and rec and so on. we are familiar with many agencies in san francisco. i want to share with you my very unpleasant and outrageous experience with mta in my experience. to summarize our company was poised to become a second-tier subcontractor to a first-tier subcontractor. upon learning that our first tier got the job, two hours later they called us back to say tutor found a way to satisfy the sbe requirements him or somewhere else so they don't need us more. six months of work went down the drain; years of contact with the prime contractor went down the drain. this project is huge, 840 million dollars. i urge not to move forward for the following reasons. it sets a dangerous precedent to ignore chapter 14 lbe ordinance which many supervisors have supported. all other supervisors support it. two, it ignores the impact of the local economy that could be generated